
SAMPLE : card game "Sevens"

This is card game "Sevens".

This is only for iPad portrait screen (landscape screen is unvalidated).

The source program is so big so it is not able to publish. Please download zip file from here : XB7.zip.

The c7.bas is for iOS, and the 7.bas is for X-BASIC/68 or peke-BASIC.
They are stored to show how to transplanted.

SAMPLE : card game 99

This is card game "99".

"99" is the first sample of card.fnc.

 This is only for iPad portrait screen (landscape screen is unvalidated).

The source program is so big so it is not able to publish. Please download zip file from here : XB99.zip.

The c99.bas is for iOS, and the 99.bas and 99patch.bas is for X-BASIC/68 or peke-BASIC.
They are stored to show how to transplanted.


SAMPLE : Z80 assembler "SuperBASE"

I ported Z80 asembler "SuperBASE" to X-BASIC for iOS.

This needs V2.4 later.

Almost message and documents are Japanese only.

Zipファイル :XBsbase.zip

This is not redistributable.


SAMPLE : Rader Snaky

Rader Snaky

We were enjoying this game the old days.
Some people would yearn.
Some people will know with a fresh feeling.

Porting fromI/O separate volume of WICS and BASE programs collection.
This is not redistributable.

Zip Archive :XBrs.zip